My Attempt to Reach Out
Well, for those of you are following this story: Breaking News! Bella is still puny! Yes, she is over 8 months old and she is still way too small. Yesterday she was wearing a 0-3 month outfit and the only problem was it was a little too short.. and not even that much. Not at all tight anywhere. Today she is wearing a 3-6 month outfit, and she can barely keep the pants up. You can see from this picture the way they gap out in the waist. Nevermind the fact that I lent these to Eva about 5 months ago and they were already tight on her bum! (Well, anyway!)
Here's a question for everyone: How do you develop your photos? I want to know if you print them at home what printer you use and ink etc... Or what lab you take them to, or if you order them from any online service. Please tell me the quality of prints also. I am trying to determine what method I should stick with, as there are pros and cons to each. Please tell, EVERYONE :)
I use Macey's 1-hour developing. Jill turned me on to them and I think they do a really good job. I especially like their matte paper. I think digital prints are cheaper on Thursdays (16 cents, maybe?).
I think it just hit me that you have a child. Whoa! I mean...two children, but...seriously....it's hitting me.
Live it up woman! I have clothes Mya wore like once or twice and then they stopped fitting, so I am a bit envious and hope that our second and final child will be a girl so I can get some use out of some things. I usually use Allen's camera, but am trying shutterfly online. Still have not received the prints, but hopefully by Friday and you can check the quality then ;)
I use allens too. I took a class from the owner at UVSC and he went into great detail on how they print them. they have a couple of people that enhance the color so that you get the best. you can also set your monitor to the same settings as theirs so that you can edit the color and whatever else so that you know exactly what your prints will look like once you pick them up. they have an online service which is really convenant and I think they do a great job.
I got my pics from Shutterfly this weekend and they turned out okay. I think the quality is better than places like Walmart and Walgreens, and for for scrapping, they are great and the price was great, so I would go with them again. For framing and other misc. things though, I think I will stick with Allen's Camera. Their color balance is a little better and the sharpness is better on the larger pics. I don't think most people would notice some of the minor things that I notice though, so maybe I am just a little too anal about my pics and the quality. Just wanted to give you an update...and if I see more promo codes for shutterfly again for free prints, I will forward those to you as well.
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