Today's the day. I am quitting sugar. I am droppin' it like it's hot. (I hate that expression, but it just sticks in your head)We're through sugar! You and me-we're OVER. I know, I know, we've had this torrid affair for so long- But my lust for you has it's consequences, and I'm choosing a sugar-chaste life. it doesn't seem right, and no, I don't know how we'll get along without eachother. I'm sure it'll be a long and rocky road, but I'm doing this for myself. I'm leaving you. Don't expect me to come crying back for more, because I'm ripping you off like a Band-Aid- "one quick motion!"
That's what I'll keep telling myself anyway... It's come to this. It really has. I know it seems rash and drastic and well, painful. But remember how I used to say I had 6.5 lbs left to lose? Yeah, now it's 14, so you can see desperate times call for desperate measures. I'm going cold-turkey. My snacks will include sugar-free Jello with the Fat Free Cool Whip and sugar free hard candies. I'll keep you posted about my progress and struggles. Maybe even several times a day. I don't suppose I can enlist any camaraderie in this detox can I? (Remember, as grandma says, 'You can do anything on the buddy system!')
Also I decided to start exercising. (yikes!) I set my alarm for 6 am, but Bella was already up at 5:30 to eat. I fed her and then went downstairs to start one of The Firm DVDS that Rachelle lent me. I started out with just a 30 minute Cardio one since I am so out of shape. It was a total bust. I was not made for aerobics. I am so uncoordinated! This is no real surprise, seeing as how my whole family is so athletically uninclined, but really, I was bad. How am I supposed to know what a 'double cross back' or a 'step A' is? Maybe it's intuitive if you speak 'aerobic', which I clearly do not. They never explain what those things mean, they just launch into them. I felt like such a loser, and since I couldn't replicate what they were doing I just tried to keep moving. The instructor would keep saying really lame words of encouragement like, "that was fun!" (seriously-it was not.) And to top it all off, I only did my pseudo-exercise for about 15-20 minutes because Bella never went back to sleep and she was screaming. Oh the joys of fitness.
WooHoo for working out! 15-20 minutes of uncoordinated steps is better than nothing! You will catch on, you are so good at everything you do- just laugh at yourself at first and be greatful you are in the comfort of your home instead of a packed class!
And I wish I had the will-power to leave sugar in the dust, but I just know I would be setting myself up for failure, which is something I try to avoid- must be an ego thing. I look forward to hearing about your successes, since we all know you will defeat your enemy.
LOVE the pic btw, so appropriate!
good for you, call me and i'll let you know what my sister-in-law is doing that is working really well for her. Maybe I'll join you.
Oh Jessie, I will support you in your messy break-up, but I don't believe in it. The thought of sugar-free jello and fat free cool whip is the anti-thesis of a treat (in my opinion). I would just as soon chose to live outside then go to such eating extremes. But I know you have iron will and self-discipline when you chose to so you can do it. Good luck.
I don't feel I have the power to do it, but I have seen your diet nazi abilities in the past, so I'm sure you will succeed! Keep us posted.
I can't believe you're going to do it. INtense! Extreme! Remember when we would eat a gallon of ice cream each almost every day. Then we'd watch date shows and drive around P-town and listen to music and prank people. Sometimes I really miss those days where we had nothing to do but hang out with eachother.
and apparently nothing to do but get fat. (the ice cream?!) I don't think it was that much... ;)I miss how 'cool' we were with all the ingenious pranks!
BTW, Erin I was kind of hoping you'd join me...:)
I figured when you put the plug in there for anyone to join I was one of the ones at the top of your list. Ugh...it's just such a hard thing to do...I don't know how to go about it, because sugar is my whole diet right now. Hmmm....if only I had a chef. OKay, I'm going to go grocery shopping tomorrow and we'll see if I can do it for a week...and if that goes well...then hopefully I can make it for the long haul.
I just clicked on my blog link and it was dear ndugu in french and my first brilliant thought was "who messed with my blog"...then I realized you'd linked it wrong ;)
erin -- glad you said that because I've really been wondering... thought maybe it was some super-incognito trick you figured out!
Okay, Jessie, I am terribly sorry because I should have warned you about that particular Firm video. The other ones are much easier to follow and the instructors and not so cheesy, I swear! So don't right off the Firm yet! Try the blue tape with Emily Welsh. It is much easier to follow. My bad. Good luck with your break-up. As for me, I am going to continue my affair with sugar (because not even my hot affair with Tony is as satisfying as sugar!) I admire you, girl! Good luck!
Has it come to this? Like Michelle, I admire your super-hero dieting strength. Unlike Jill, however, I actually like sugar-free jello and fat-free Cool Whip! It reminds me of Nantucket!
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