Monday, December 01, 2008


I have a lot of photos and other things to post about, but I am in a frenzy of trying to get things done. (I'm teaching Joy School tomorrow and it is particularly intensive.) But before I forget, 2 more Bella-isms.
"Fiona's wiggling- that's like flailing."
"I can't get all my tears out! There's too many!" ( When I tell her that's okay she can save some for later she wails that she can't save them!)


Jill said...

She knows the word flailing?!

michelle said...

She kills me.

I hope Eva doesn't catch on to the tear thing, I'm sure she can't get all hers out, either...

Tasha said...

I feel like that sometimes too, about my tears.

Evie was telling me the other day about how Senator McCain must be sad, but we are happy because President-Elece Obama won, right mom.
Does the kid sneak out and watch CNN at night?

Anonymous said...

Flailing, that is killing me. She just cracks me up.

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