Friday, July 17, 2009

One down.

Day One without sugar.
Not good.
but I did only eat a very nominal amount. Very. I had a bowl of Cheerios, which has about a gram of sugar, a few baby banana cookies which each have about a gram and some Cool Whip Free that has that high fructose corn syrup nonsense in it even though it only has 15 calories. I wanted to go totally cold turkey, but that's pretty close. I did have 2 Coke Zeros, which I also wanted to nix but I'm not sure I can do sugar and crack at the same time.
This latest book I'm reading called Sugar Shock is very interesting and informative. I will be highly recommending it to everyone, so get your arsenal of defense ready if you don't want to be swayed.
I wish I owned the book (it's a library book) because I want to mark it, highlight it, dog ear it... I have to keep reminding myself that it will get easier the longer I abstain from the villainous sugar in all its forms. I have to wait and allow my body to detox. Right now my body, my blood, my brain screams for the white stuff, but it will abate in time. I just need to hang in there and be patient. One of the hard parts is figuring out what to eat- since I'm avoiding sugar in all of it's forms, as an ingredient in any product as well as white flour and it as an ingredient it eliminates a lot of things. I have to think protein, and I've never been especially drawn to protein. i don't do well hungry so I better find some things to eat. That's going to mean eliminating most packaged foods and a lot of planning on my part.
Day One down.


Anonymous said...

How will these food restrictions affect your couponing?

Anonymous said...

I love anonymous...

You are amazing Jess...while I say I can do anything and it is mind over matter- this is one thing I would have such a hard time doing and would surely fail. You are a maniac! YOU can do it...:)

Karli said...

Have you ever heard of the prism diet? It is all based on no sugar/no white flour and has a lot of good ideas for foods you could try. You might also talk to a colon hydrotherapist (I know-sounds awful) because they have awesome detox plans and ways to implement things like fructose & honey & stevia for sweeteners instead of table sugars & white flours... Good luck!

michelle said...

You ARE a maniac! (are you sure this is a good thing to start before going to a family reunion and a stay at my house??)

paws said...

If I can do it (and I have before) you can do it. You're right, once you've detoxed you won't have any trouble turning it down. It just won't be appealing to you. Prayer helps.

What surprised me was the peer pressure to partake. "Oh come on, live a little!" etc, etc. They kept trying to knock me off the wagon. Jerks. If I were to say I was diabetic, do you think they would try to get me to eat sugar? And yet being healthy isn't a good enough reason to abstain.

Good luck! Maybe I'll join you. I think I'll request that book from my library.

paws said...

PS: I like to have cooked brown rice on hand for a snack.

You can have whole fruit, right?

Also, dried plums (aka prunes) are good for a sweet craving. They'll stay soft in your freezer.

I would say to chew gum to keep your mind off of it, but I'm not sure if you can find any that's unsweetened. Maybe, though. I've never looked.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I meant that in the nicest way as someone interested in couponing and in starting a diet. I don't really know how to do both.

paws said...

Yes, I agree with Anonymous. They seem mutually exclusive, at least if you're planning on eating what you get through couponing.

Denise said...

More power to you, girl.

Jill said...

Why are you doing this right before your vacation??? Are you mad?

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