Friday, September 04, 2009

Judgement Day

I happen to know exactly when my Judgement Day is coming. One week from tomorrow, Saturday Sept. 12th. At precisely 8 am.
You see, there is a 5k in the city that morning, one that I talked up and got my dad to register for. My dad, who's not even a runner, and is now probably more prepared than I am.
The problem is, I have been very lax with my running recently. As in, I'm not doing it. I did pretty well while in Utah, and boasted working out 9 times, or an average of 3 times a week while there. Not all of it was running, but most of it was. Since coming home...I think I've gone once. I have all of the typical yet valid excuses, chief among them being time. I insist on running alone, as going with the girls almost defeats the purpose, the solitude I crave. That means in order to go when Timm is home with the girls, I have to go at 5 am or after 8 pm. Unfortunately both of those times are dark so I don't feel comfortable going on the greenway. And unfortunately I don't relish waking up at 5 am, which is practically the middle of the night, and might as well be 2 am. It feels insane.
I feel wayward- like I am due for some serious repentance that is not going to be easy. I am going to pay the price and the longer I wait, the harder it's going to be. I am fortunate enough to know my day of reckoning, and there is going to be some blood, sweat, and tears if I am going to emerge relatively unscathed. My goal is to run about 1 5k a month and improve my time every time, at least for now when I have SO much room for improvement. At this rate I'll be lucky to finish.
I am going to have to exercise a lot of willpower this week and spend a lot of time repenting- not on my knees, but on my feet.


michelle said...

Nothing like signing yourself up for a race to get some motivation! I think it's cool that Dad's doing it with you.

Unknown said...

i wish you could be here for our 5K tomorrow. i promise you could beat my time :)

Jill said...

Perhaps you could make an exception about running while pushing the girls. Maybe you could wear your iPod, surely you'll hear them if an emergency strikes, but otherwise you can tune them out. I know it's not solitude, but surely it will make judgment day less painful.

Fred said...

I cannot believe that the event is less than a week away!! Looks like I am committed....I did sign up to run. Hopefully, you can get a couple of redemtive runs in before Saturday...

Molly Krauss Smith said...

You'll do great! It's mostly mental anyway....right? (As I'm not a runner myself I don't profess to know, but it seems encouraging.)

Susan said...

You can do it...

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