Sunday, October 18, 2009


*edited to add- We're planning on making Bella a robot costume for Halloween. When asked what she should say at the door she responded in a flat monotone robotic voice "trick-or-treat--mortal."

Among the approximately 500 squirrels that reside in or around our yard, she has named one. She is convinced that it is always the same one and says "There's my friend 'Q-Tip'!" Yep, 'Q-Tip'.

We were watching Beauty and the Beast for the first time and when the Beast was transformed back into a man Bella loudly exclaimed: "Resurrected!!"

We were taking a walk and saw a rather large ant pile. Bella talked about wanting to stomp on it and so we had a discussion about respecting ants and all life and leaving them alone to be happy with their ant families. She said "It's not like they'd be just dead, like dead forever." What do you mean Bella? "You know, resurrected!" I then tried to explain that concept a bit more and emphasize that mortal life was still important and fragile.

Today we had our primary program in church and Bella did perfectly. Her part was: "I can follow the gospel of Jesus Christ when I come to primary." Then she stepped down and to the side before returning to her seat and called out in a loud whisper : "Did you hear that Sophie?!" Sophie gave her 2 thumbs up and the congregation a low chuckle.

Tonight in her prayers she rattled off a long list of things she was grateful for, among them: "Thank you for all of the ice cream that they give out and the heavens above and the earth below."

She's a crack-up.


Fred/Dad said...

Bella really cracks me up. She seems to have learned the concept of "resurrection"! We need a continued diet of Bellaisms... So entertaining!!

michelle said...

She IS such a crackup! I'm with Dad, we need a steady diet, if you please.

Anonymous said...

Oh I love it. Love her! This is cracking me up before I head to bed...thanks!

Charlotte said...

I love her Disney application of "resurrected." Keep those Bellaisms coming!

Susan said...

Yes, her entertainment gives one a lift anytime, especially at the end of a long, stressful week!

Go Bella. "Resurrected"! I like it.

Tasha said...

They must be in the same section in primary! Evie's had a lot of "resurrection" comments and questions. She asked if my grandpa who died last March would be resurrected, but have a new body, that wasn't broken, like his old body, because it was broken, so he died. Then a few weeks ago she was digging through her art drawer and found a picture. She lamented "Oh NO! Mom, I drew this for grandpa great, and now he's in heaven, and I can't mail this to heaven, so should I save this until I am resurrected too, or mail it to grandma great?" We opted for the assistence of the US Postal Service...What the?

Jill said...

She is so hilarious, I'm so glad you write these things down! I miss the hilarity of little kids.

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