Sunday, January 10, 2010

Time Management

I haven't run since approximately September 12th.
Sad, I know.
I did really well over the summer, for the most part. Sept 12th was the last 5k I ran and after that I don't think I ran more than twice. The summer was easier since Timm was home more, there was more daylight, I was in Utah where I had built-in childcare...Then Timm went back to school and it got colder. I don't mind the cold, in fact I'd rather run in the cold than most other weather. But it's so dark all the time! If I want to run alone, which I do, I have to go before 5 am or after 8 pm, both of which times are pitch black. That's not the end of the world, but it does significantly limit where I can run. (i.e. not my choice-) Also, I'm not keen on getting up in the predawn hours, and when Timm gets home, after the girls in bed I relish our time together. I don't want to just take off. The other problem is, I hate, I mean *HATE* running with the girls. It kind of defeats the purpose. Part of my motivation in running is to literally-run away. I can't do that if they are running with me. Then I'm just chasing them like I do all day. Bella tries to ask me questions when I can barely breathe, let alone carry a conversation. I also hate the jogging stroller. I need to move my arms! It's heavy and unwieldy! I could really go on and on. I know they are excuses, but they are valid ones.
I can't seem to figure out how to fit it all in. All the more difficult is the fact that I am not choosing between good and bad. That would be a bit easier. I am choosing between good and good. I want to get enough sleep. I want to make meals for my family. i want a clean house. I want to spend down time with my spouse. I want to enjoy my children. I want to create- to sew, to make art. I want to read. I want to be physically fit. How do I do it all? When do I do it all?
If I have to choose between creating and running, most of the time I'm going to choose creating. Creating and sleep- that could go either way.
Of course now that I haven't run in- gasp-4 months, it's going to be super hard to do it again. Like, super hard. Starting over hard. Which for me is basically a super human feat since as an adult-onset athlete I was born without an athleticism gene.
Waaa... I am whining. How does one do it? Do I have to be chubby for 4 more years until Fiona is in school and then I have my days to myself? Does Timm have to change careers so I can afford a gym membership with drop-in childcare? Leave my kids to fend for themselves at home, plopped in front of the tv while I jaunt around?
How do I do it all? And if I can't, what do I give up?


Dad/Fred said...

Maybe I could quite my job, we could move to Charlotte and I could watch the girls while you run. Or, mom could watch the girls and I could run with you (wish, wish....) No good suggestions...

michelle said...

oh, man. Time management and finding that balance between so many good things is the bane of my life. I've been bemoaning these exact. same. things. No great answers, though. Maybe we can do all those things, but not all on the same day??

Jill said...

Maybe you could swap kids with a friend on a regular basis so she could run away too (or shop, or sleep or just be home alone).

Anonymous said...

Get a headlamp and run at night after Timm is in bed? I love running with a lamp- really!

Go running and then come home and chill for an hour with him? I am sure he would enjoy the time long are you running?

Is running the end all be all for you? Can you compromise on how you workout so you CAN workout and do your body good?

It is hard...the balance. Something has to give, but not everyday. You aren't giving up time with Timm every day to workout. Time away from creating to workout everyday. Do strenght stuff at home and cardio every other day.

I had to find my season for running, had to be realistic. It wasn't feasible for me to train for a marathon while Linc was in school- and pretty much, I haven't run consistently this whole last year because it has been grueling. So I worked out at home, at the park, bleachers, hiking. Winter is I have started to get up at 5:45 to get an hour in. SACRIFICE! But right now, today, it is worth that end goal.

Anonymous said...

What about working out at home WITH Timm? p90x rocks and it is totally something you can do together.

Diana said...

you'll find a way you always do!

Dad/Fred said...

I totally agree with Hannah's comments and advice. If you go out for a run after Timm comes home, you can still spend time together. Also, I like the idea of other exercise to supplement the running when it is not feasible.

In my case, I have had a goal for years of going to the gymn 3 times a week (strenght and aerobics). However, all too often, I don't make it due to demands on my time (mom). I have made a committment to excercize at home (aerobics) on nights I cannot go to the gymn. I am now exercising 4-5 times a weeks on my new schedule/commitment.

I am sure you can work it in. As Hannah says, it is a SACRIFICE.

Bridget said...

Well-I have had a good time reading all your latest posts! As to this one-I agree with Hannah too but I love my sleep too much to get up to exercise! I am no help!

Loved all the gifts you made! I too made some homemade gifts this year but they weren't nearly so cute/nice/clever. Your blog is much better than Martha Stewart's:-)

Can I buy one of those cute dolls for Elise? I am thinking for her birthday which is in July....

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