Saturday, January 01, 2011

Farewell Friend/Foe

We had these for our New Year's breakfast. (I added my own faux buttercream frosting, cause I'm just not a glaze kind of girl. Why would you go for a thin and understated glaze when you could go all out with a powdered sugar thick and tooth-achingly sweet frosting? That's what I always say, anyway.)
I think they both enjoyed it.
Another reason to enjoy these gooey delights? As of tomorrow we are going gluten-free.
Timm has a history of Celiac disease in his family, as well as in his body. He has never treated it, but in the last few months Bella has started to be symptomatic- at least I suspect so. She complains nearly every day of a stomachache and she has the genetic markers so we are instituting a gluten-free diet. I have suspicions about Fiona as well, so as long as anywhere from 25-75% of our family has Celiac disease we're going all in. It's good for us all anyway, if not more than a little inconvenient. I am going to take this opportunity to go sugar-free as well, since the two often go hand-in-hand. Anyone who knows me knows I talk about sugar a lot and have tried or intended to give it up for a long time now. As long as we are giving up so many processed foods, I am seizing the opportunity. Wish us luck, and if you have any tips, please share!
Today I bought quinoa and corn pasta. Huh.


michelle said...

Oh, man. I can't even contemplate such a monumental change. I wish you luck!!

(I've decided I'm not a huge fan of cinnamon rolls. Is that weird?)

JessWilson said...

Greg was diagnosed with a gluten sensitivity (he also has Crohn's disease) and has been gluten free for 2 years now and feels so much better. Cooking gluten free was a bit overwhelming at first because I thought I had to cook totally different recipes. As soon as I just used the same recipes we were used too, and just modified them to be gluten free (San J Soy Sauce, made my own cream of _____ soup, gluten free flour, rice pasta, etc) then it was much better! My favorite find is Pamela's baking mix that you can find in bulk on Amazon for a better price than at the health food store (and with free shipping!) and I use for pancakes, muffins, any recipe calling for a small amount of flour. I'm still learning so much and finding new gluten free products that actually taste good. :) Good Luck with the change!

Anonymous said...

Man oh man- I can't fathom this! Good luck- if anyone can do it, YOU can!

PS- also with Michelle. Cinnamon rolls don't really do anything for me. I just figured this out this year. It's strange.

Jill said...

If anyone can do it, I know it's you, but oh my this sounds daunting to me.

Susan said...

I'm in there with Shell an Jill...good grief!! Good luck, for sure.

I do think it might have a bit cruel to have the going out swan song as cinnamon roles...

Tasha said...

I love quoina!
IT is a big change, but look at your libraries for cookbooks, its a huge issue and there really is a lot out there about it.

Miranda said...

I thought that I couldn't be more in awe of you but, gluten free? Apparently there is more awe available and it is coming your way. I LOVE quinoa so if you need recipe suggestions I could probably shoot you some. Good luck, my dear.

Molly Krauss Smith said...

You'll have to keep us posted on the gluten-free (sugar-free, too) proceedings. Does that mean no more sheepherders bread!?

Molly Krauss Smith said...

Ok, is it just me, or did you cut Fiona's hair?

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