My Attempt to Reach Out
My day so far... Let's see- I am off to a rollicking start. I hadn't showered in a couple of days (eek!) so I decided not to wait until Bella took a nap to shower. Foolishly, I thought if I gave her a couple of toys and plopped her on the bathroom floor, I could safely shower with her shut in the bathroom with me. I peeked out every couple of minutes to make sure she was content. She started getting frantic and crawling around crying... I glanced out from behind the shower curtain, and she has crawled into the corner with the plunger and toilet brush! Now I am the frantic one as I imagine the millions of diseases she is contracting, but alas, I have soap in my eyes and I am still in the shower. I finish as fast as possible, and by the time I have finished she has backed away from the germ pool. Not a very enjoyable shower. Do not try this at home.
Then after I am dressed I notice that my cat Mr. has once again, peed in my laundry. For those of you who have been following this delightful drama, this is it. He's really going this time. Smegel's sister is finally ready for pickup, and I can't waste any more time on a dastardly cat bent on getting my attention by peeing on my clothes. This time they were clean. I emphasize were. Anyone want a nice cat? Or know where I can take him?
Then I put Bella in her high chair and tried to keep her occupied with Cheerios while I caught up with emails etc. I blame Jill and Erin for my child and household neglect. Jill, I know now what you mean. I am the same- I am constantly checking to see if people have added new posts to their blogs, or if anyone has posted comments on mine. If there is nothing new, than I amuse myself by checking my email, or thinking of other things to peruse online until I feel an appropriate amount of time has passed that I can check again. Erin, I blame you for giving me this delightful link to waste time on. Everyone, check it out- I think most of you will enjoy: They're LDS and hilarious. I wasted the next 1/2 hour touring that website, and here I am. It's 11:30, the bed is still not made, I am still in pjs, the dishwasher has not been emptied... basically nothing has been done except that Bella is fed and changed, and I fear it may remain that way for the day.
You are a riot! I have been cleaning all (most of the) morning so I too just got changed outta my jammies and took a shower during naptime. Now I have just wasted the last half hour or so looking at that chubbygirlbrigade website. Grrrrrr...
That's my calling in life, to help people neglect their duties and waste time. ;) I've always been very good at that.
Damn it, I wish Mark and I could take Mr. Dumb rule of no pets from my landlord aka sister. Geez, I can see the logic if we were habitually smelly, dirty, neglecting people, or even if we weren't family! She's gotta know that we would take good care of him AND the duplex. *sigh* oh well, Mark will just have to go on pining for a pet, and get his fix of Smeagol and the new kitty(!!) every so often (:
Hey Jessie, it's so funny to think of you trying to wrangle Bella in the bathroom so you can take a shower. Did you ever think there would come a day when taking a shower would not only be a luxury, but one that you'd have to scheme and plan to make happen? That's motherhood for you. At least you see the funny in it and now have an outlet for it. I got a good laugh out of it.
As for the time suckage that goes on with the internet and waiting for posts I don't know what to tell you, I'm still doing the same thing.
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