So last night Erin came and spent a few hours hanging out. It was so good to see her! I haven't seen her since about the time I was pregnant with Lola, so that was about 2 years ago. I love having an old friend, and Erin is definately the oldest! (Not in age though- I don't want to freak Erin out since she has an age complex.)I love that when we see each other it can be as though no time has passed. We had a period of about 2 years where we didn't even talk, mostly because of so many events and changes in both of our lives. It's funny because we really don't have a whole lot in common as far as interests, or our stage of life goes. She's single, and I've already been married, gone to the temple, had 2 children and buried 1 of them. She is a go-getter type of girl, I am a stay at home sloth. She is athletic, I, again, am a sloth. But when we got together last night, it was almost like we were 17 again. (In a good respect- In most other cases I would never want to be 17 again.)We had so mich fun, laughing and catching up. (We've only been back int ouch for about 2 months.) It feels great, and I love her. I am proud of how Erin has stayed true to the gospel despite challenges in her life. None of us are dealt a perfect hand, but we can still make the best of it and live the life that God intends us to, even blesses us with the capability to.
So here's a call to any friends that are hanging out in the wings, causually observing, but not partipating- SPEAK UP! I want to hear from you, near and far, young and old, Scrappers and non alike.... "I'm waiting...."
Hi! You look really happy in this picture! You must be having a good time. I've only heard good things about Erin, and I'm glad you got to reconnect with her. Your hair looks really cute in that picture, by the way.
hey- are you being sarcastic? I am happy. shutup. ;)
It's nice to finally see what Erin looks like, I enjoy her comments on our various blogs.
I think the older we get, the more we value and need friends who knew us when we were younger. I've been friends with Betsy since for 21 years (since we were 14), and friends with Michelle since I was 18--so their opinions and perspectives mean a lot to me, as well as their humor and ability to remember me as a fun friend and not just a frumpy mom.
This is a great quote I found for Betsy's picture frame birthday layout.
"The most beautiful discovery that true friends can make is that they can grow separately without growing apart." -- Unknown
It sounds like you and Erin are like that too.
Lucky you to have a friend like that. I have very few "older" friends that I keep in touch with, mostly because our lifestyles are sooooo different now. But when I talk to some of them it is nostalgic and makes me realize how important having an old friend truly is.
So great to be able to reconnect with old friends. I love when you can see or talk to an old friend after time has elapsed and it's like nothing has changed with your relationship even though lots of things have happened in your separate lives. I love Erin too.
you are such a loser Timm. I'm sure Erin would agree with me.
Timm! We were never even close. I agree Jess. Wow, thanks for all the nice things you said. That was a super fun night and I felt like I was at home, but better this time because EVERYONE was there. I love you and your whole fam.
I love that blogs have given me a chance to reconnect with long ago friends, it has been wonderful. I feel that I'm peeking in to other people lives, so I kind of get my peeping tom fix. I love to take walks at night and be able to look into other peoples homes, not in a weird way, I'm just curious to see how they've decorated their homes, the same with blogs, I only know the one person (Jill), but I link to all of her friends sites and comment. It's reassuring to know that we all have struggles and insecurities and we are all trying to work thru them.
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