Monday, September 08, 2008


Okay, so...suddenly everything is different for this week- up in the air, uncertain, frustrating.
My NST that was supposed to take 20 minutes or so left us at the doctor's office for over 3 hours. When will I learn? First of all, we waited for almost an hour and a half to be seen. Then once I went in for the NST itself, they watched her for a while because she wasn't moving a lot and they wanted to keep observing. Then because they didn't get the desired reading they wanted to do an ultrasound so we had to wait for that. This is where it gets good.
During my entire pregnancy I have felt like I am a lot farther along than they say I am. I have several reasons, but I have assumed that I am about 2 weeks farther than they say for months now. My first ultrasound supported this hunch, but they didn't change my due date. According to them, I am 33 weeks. According to the ultrasound I had today, I am over 37 weeks and she is already bigger than either of my girls were at birth, 6 pounds 15 ounces. Even though the ultrasound would change my due date by nearly an entire month, they won't change the date. Even though I told them the date I gave them was arbitrary because I couldn't really remember the date of my last period, they want to go by that date. When I was at the office I couldn't talk to the dr. so I called as soon as I got home. A triage nurse returned my call and tried repeatedly to placate me. She kept repeating in an unnervingly calm and reassuring voice that I am only 33 weeks, and they do not go by the ultrasound date, but by the date of my last period. She kept telling me that I have another appointment on Friday, at which time I can talk to the dr. Even though according to the ultrasound, I would be 38 weeks by then- 5 days from now, the same age that Lola died, and 2 weeks farther along than they wanted to do the C-section. Even though I was put on hold 3 or 4 times so she could talk to the doctor, I was not permitted to speak to the doctor. Finally I started crying out of frustration that no one is listening to me! I have never seen the same person twice at my numerous visits. The nurse told me that my chart said they were going to 'induce' me at 38 weeks, which is ridiculous. I asked them why they were stubbornly clinging to an arbitrary date that I made up, rather than look at all the evidence which would indicate that I am 4 weeks farther than they assumed- why they would want to responsible for that error, and why it was so difficult to just do an amnio to confirm whether or not she was ready to be delivered. What difference does it make to them if they send me over to the hospital for an amnio? And why can't I even talk to a doctor? Finally I harangued the nurse into getting me in to see the dr. tomorrow morning at 10:30 so we could 'talk' about it. I just don't get it. If we went by their date, we would be doing the C-section at 40 weeks. I went into labor at 38 weeks with Lola, when she died. I honestly don't think anything is going to happen to Fiona, but who knows, and why risk it? If we waited that long I think I would go into labor before they did the surgery. The nurse kept telling me to watch my kick counts, and if she stops moving, then come in. After she's stopped moving. Because why would we be preemptive? Why take any precautions?
I am so frustrated because no one is listening to me, and I am being treated like an irrational emotional pregnant woman. I wish I had an advocate to go with me tomorrow. So who knows- we may be having a baby this week. More to come, I'm sure...


Denise said...

I get so frustrated with the medical profession sometimes! Though it has been a while since I've dealt with pregnancy woes, I often run into obstacles when helping Grandma with her medical issues. It's like they don't even listen to how you feel, what you know about your own body, and what your "gut" tells you. So sorry you have to be dealing with this at this stage of your pregnancy. I'll be anxious to hear what happens, and in the meantime I'll keep you in my prayers.

michelle said...

Please tell me you got Linda to go with you to be your advocate tomorrow!

I cannot wait to find out what happens. Nothing is more maddening to me than being condescended to by medical professionals. Stand your ground, make them listen, make them explain themselves. In short, be at your badgering best tomorrow! love you.

Diana said...

Be strong. You know you're right don't let them convince you otherwise Have Fiona has soon as you can! I'll be praying for you and I'll call you tomorrow!

Jill said...

This doesn't sound like the Utah OB/Gyn scene at all, how frustrating!! I'm glad you're a badger and able to articulate your frustrations and fears, this is no time for sitting back and being quiet.

Rin said...

Jess, I can't even believe this...wait, yes, I can, because I've been having very similar experiences with doctors too. I had to take a whole week off work and go into the doctor three different times...then my prescription dosages were messed up and the nurses stuck to their story and the pharmycist stuck to theirs and when I asked how to prevent all of this mess again the doctor told me to look it up on wikipedia. Doctors can be SUCH A JOKE.

I'm so sorry you're having to go through this during a pregnancy when you're responsible for another human life too. UGH!

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