It was so fun- it felt like a holiday. The festivity of making homemade donuts, having my parents there, my family all together, good friends and company, the World Series playing and happy squeals from Bella...
Good Times.
1. Kitchen Table Wisdom: Stories That Heal
by: Rachel Naomi Remen2. The Gift of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You think You're Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are
by: Brene Brown
3. The Gift Of An Ordinary Day: A Mother's Memoir
by: Katrina Kenison
4. Have A New You By Friday
by: Kevin Leman
5. Sugar: A Bittersweet History
by: Elizabeth Abbott
6. Born to Run
by: Christopher McDougall
7. Nutureshock
by: Po Bronson
8. The Paradox of Choice
by:Barry Schwartz
9. The Art of Choosing
by: Sheena Iyengar
10. The Omnivore's Dilemma
by: Michael Pollan
11. Steady Days
by: Jamie C. Martin
12. Bringing Up Geeks
by: Marybeth Hicks
13. America's Cheapest Family Gets You Right On The Money
by: Steve Economides
14. 29 Gifts
by: Cami Walker
15. One Year to An Organized Life
by: Regina Lee
16. The Circle of Simplicity
by: Cecile Andrews
17. Unconditional Parenting
by: Alfie Kohn
18. Molecules of Emotion
by: Candace B. Pert
19. The Intentional Family: Simple Rituals to Strengthen Family Ties
by: William J. Doherty
20. Parenting With Love and Logic
by: Foster W. Cline
21. The Peacegiver: ow Christ Offers To Heal Our Hearts and Homes
by: James L. Ferrell
22. I Am a Mother
by: Jane Clayson Johnson
The donuts look soooo tasty! What a great tradition.
It's so fortunate that your parents are able to make that trip to visit you guys so often, that's a luxury.
It's all good!
Sweet Bella
Sweet Fiona
Sweet Jessie
Sweet Timm
Sweet Giler clan
Sweet Sneelock
Sweet donuts
The start to our own tradition, thanks to Grandma and Denise!
Narry to think about the pounds added and no counting points.....
It was all sweet!
Your family all together, eh? sniff. Totally jealous.
So did they get a Fry Daddy or what? I might have to start my own donut night...
Man those look soooo good. Love that your parents are close and you have Linda and her family.
I love donut nights! Missing my family's Conference donut night has thus far been the hardest part about being away from home. I'm so glad that your family is starting your own donut night tradition!
I. Love. Donut night. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
Your donuts look fabulous! Your glaze looks a little thicker than ours, but other than that, they look the same. Glad you found joy in this great tradition.
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