Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Nana and Papa came to visit and help out a couple of weeks ago,and I am just now blogging about it. I have a huge back log of things I want to write about, and it is a matter of finding time and hands free of baby to sit and do it. If that time does come up, I would usually rather sleep, or read if sleep is impossible. But chipping away before I forget, as my memory already fades and before long it would be lost to the oblivion and abyss of my nearly nonexistent memory.
Besides good company, support, and assistance, one of the benefits of their visit was the plenty that we received. Nana had the great idea of making a bunch of freezer meals so my family could actually eat real food while I adjust to this parenting of two. I am satisfied with cold cereal, and would be want to see my family on the same diet while I am still adverse to cooking...Luckily for them, Nana came and bought the ingredients and helped me cook it all. As you can see, we ended up with quite a lot. I love this pleasing sight!
Besides the meals that are prepared, frozen and ready to go, we also received quite a bit of food to stock us up after we've exhausted those meals! Cheese as far as the eye can see, chicken, salmon (a rare luxury-), roast, olive oil, canned chicken, canned tomatoes, pasta, rice...
I love seeing my freezer and pantry well-stocked with food. (Admittedly, it doesn't take a whole lot of food to fill my little pantry!) It makes me feel...safe. Taken care of. Prepared. I guess maybe that's what that whole food storage thing is all about. Unfortunately, other than this, we don't really have any food storage to speak of.
Is there anyone who makes you feel as safe and taken care of as your parents do? I purport there is not.


Jill said...

I'm glad you're pantry is stocked and that you're feeling safe and contented. What a blessing!

Susan said...

Looks like a bounty of comfort food for sure!

Thanks, Nana and Papa.

michelle said...

A full pantry definitely makes me feel safe as well. And no, no one makes me feel as safe and taken care of as my parents. Such a blessing!

Anonymous said...

How lucky you are to have parents and in-laws that take care of your family so! I love the feeling of having good food stocked and ready to go- it does bring a feeling of safety and contentment, of providing for my family. Love it.

Denise said...

A well-stocked pantry and a full tank of gas--those are my safety zones. How generous and thoughtful of your in-laws!

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