Thursday, February 12, 2009

Dinnertime B

Bella is usually agreeable, including pleasantly eating most of what I make for her. Tonight was a lazy night since Timm is at Red Robin, so I gave her a baked potato. She didn't eat it quickly so it got cold and kind of gross. I caught her making the funniest faces that reminded me of the 'green bean incident' when I was little so I thought I should catch it. I'm also counting my blessings that Bella so rarely makes any kind of fuss at the table that it is a video-worthy event.
Oh, and she usually wears a shirt to the table.


Anonymous said...

I *love* that she is shirtless. It speaks volumes about the night :)

Jill said...

I like her face right at the end, too funny!

michelle said...

You are so so lucky that this is an unusual occurrence! And, as a witness to the green bean incident, I can tell you that this does not even come close.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha. Cute.

Susan said...

Yes, this does remind me of the green bean incident! I'm going to play it for Ryan!!

You really are so lucky that she is generally such an agreeable eater. I would take baked potatoes off the list if I were you!

Did you put any cheese on it?!

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