Saturday, April 24, 2010

A Little Bit of Bella

One day when Timm was home with the girls while I was in Denver, Bella came in to wake Timm up and he said he was getting up to get in the shower. When she came back in a few minutes later and he was still in bed she said with exasperation, "Dad- this is not the shower. When you go in a different room and turn something on and it rains, that's the shower."

Lately she does not want to wear a single thing I pick out. Not one. The other day I was lobbying with futility for an outfit when she told me, "I don't want you to pick out things that you think are cute but are a world of things that I don't like."

Edited to add today, on Sunday: "You'll like it. No more discussion." I think that was about some princess role-playing she was trying to get me to go along with.

I possibly see an attitude in our future.


michelle said...

Hee! I especially like the world of things that she doesn't like. For Eva, it's more like a rainbow of things she doesn't like (i.e., not pink).

Tasha said...

Evie is so picky and has this closet full of nice things, so we've warned her, and she's down to her last warning, that if she doesn't wear what she's supposed to (we have 5 bins, M-F, she and I fill them with outfits on Sunday for the following week, then there's no discussion. Period.) but if I have to fight her again, we're getting a closet of tan pants and white shirts and that's what she'll have to wear every day!
Some days she comes up stairs dressed in something not from the bin, and as long as its season appropriate, I let her wear it. I don't care if it matches, she's 5. Anyone who sees her knows that her mother didn't dress her in someof the get-ups she chooses! But the attitude- oh, I'm afraid, very afraid!

Miranda said...

Ha! No way! She sounds like a little girl I would DEFINITELY like. :)

Jill said...

She is such a character! Whitney never likes any of my outfit suggestions so I have pretty much stopped giving them, so sad.

Michelle said...

Me liking something is often the kiss of death.

I say let her wear whatever (as long as appropriate). She'll gain her own sense of style - and feel like she has just a little power.

And it's wonderfully humbling to walk along side some of the outfits kids come up with!

Denise said...

Bella is hilarious! I found I have been much more lenient with Sarah's outfit selections than I was with Charlotte and Emily. Sarah is more opinionated than they were at her age, or at least more vocal about it. It's just not worth the fight. Sarah's latest trend-look is to wear leggings under her denim shorts. Huh.

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