Thursday, February 23, 2006

I need the good stuff!!!!

Okay, I know at least some of you are going to think I'm crazy, but- Have any of you ever read this book or otherwise know anything about it or have an opinion? I ask because I have a SERIOUS sugar addiction. I think about it a lot, and I know it has a LOT to do with my weight struggle. I have no capacity to limit my sugar intake once I start in on it. I generally have an addicitive personality in most regards, but this is luckily the main one I struggle with. I was thinking of it while I was watching Oprah today. Anyone see it? Likely none of you with young kids around would have- it was about sex addiction-yikes! Anyway, O was talking about how she thinks it's just like any other addiction. She said she has a food addiction, she could imagine having a shopping addiction, but could not imagine having a sexual addiction. The reason? She could not imagine having to deal with so many strange penises, she said laughing, but serious. Double yikes! Kind of puts it in perspective and makes me glad it's just sugar I'm struggling with. Anyway, I think it's a problem for me and I think for me the best thing may be to cut it out completely. I know, a scary prospect, but I want your opinions. I need to order my next book club book from Amazon, and I think I may order Sugar Busters at the same time. What do you guys think, and do any of you have a serious sugar addiction like I do?


Anonymous said...

I'm totally addicted to sugar, but fortunately it hasn't caught up (yet). I'm addicted to hot cocoa, Thin Mints, and Jones Black Cherry soda. A sex addiction . . . hmmm . . . well, I'd rather deal with an addiction to home or books! You can totally be a "sugar buster!" You're really dedicated when it comes to something you really want, so I know you can do it! Good luck!

Alison said...

Hi, I randomly found your blog last night and checked it out again today! I just wanted to say that I also watched that "Oprah" episode today, and I am really sad I am missing the Marc Jacobs/Grey's Anatomy/Elmo epiode next week. And, in terms of food addictions, I refrain from buying anything that I might get addicted to... this weekend I ate a whole box of WholeWheat Fig Newtons in basically two sittings. No more newtons.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah...I got the sugar addiction.

Crap, I think I have a food addiction in general. I have very little self control when it comes to eating food I like. Which can't be good...

Jill said...

I must be addicted too because I feel defensive about this topic (like, "why must we go to extremes?) but then I'm not sure, perhaps I don't know how to define it because I don't eat it all the time. It's something to think about. If you do end up getting the book you'll have to educate the rest of us too.

Anonymous said...

"Hi, my name is Hannah and I am a sugar-holic."

"Hi Hannah."

If you get the book, you'll have to let us know if it is worth the read, as well as possibly let some of us borrow it, 'hint-hint'.

Rin said...

I was just stressing about my sugar addiction yesterday too. I was watching Lost (I'd never seen it before till yesterday since my boss owns the dvds) and there's an episode where this character has a drug addiction and another character is trying to reason with him and tell him that he's going to run out sooner or later anyway and why not just give it up before he runs out because choice is precious. And I realized that's exactly what happens to us when we pass on to the other side. Down here we have choice and we can choose to stop our addictions, but when we go to the other side where we're just forced to stop....that's going to suck! So I thought how I have a MAJOR sugar addiction. I'm talking Major...if I don't get my fix before noon I go crazy...I obssess. Anyway, I've gone 6 months without sugar there's got to be a way I can do it again. Let me know if you like the book.

Rin said...

Oh...and when I mean major addiction...I mean Major. Sometimes I think about what I ate all day...and it's all sugar, absolutely nothing besides sugar. That can't be good ;)

michelle said...

I was going to say that no one could be a bigger sugar addict than me, then I read Erin's comment! So maybe we're about equal... A good day for me is a day when I don't have sugar first thing in the morning. I seriously have to restrain myself from having cookies for breakfast. Even if I don't have cookies, I often have a chocolate muffin or something like that. I don't know if I could stop eating sugar. At this point, I don't even want to. But I probably should.

Anonymous said...

For some reason I am not addicted to suger but I do enjoy it! My husband Matt however will eat an entire bag of M&Ms in one sitting without even blinking! so.. if you have any ideas of how to help him I will try it out on him:)
Good Luck!

everything pink! said...

The man who wrote that book is from New Orelans. it came out when we were living there. every restuarant had sugar buster menu items becasue the whole town was on that diet. it was very interesting.
the concepts of the book are facitnating.
my husband and ijust recently did the one month of south beach diet which is kind of the same. just to see how our bodies went through a sugar detox. it is amazing how much sugar we eat and don't even know it, breads pastas.
i am a sugar junkie still though, but that month i never felt better in my life.

Diana said...

yes I have an addiction to sugar too. My sister-in-law cut out all sugar in her diet and she looks great. She was always pretty small but now she is really skinny. Maybe a little too skinny for me but she has done other extreme things with her diet. She said at first it was hard and she'd have nightmares about chocolate but after awhile like anything else it was easy.

jt said...

hmm... I guess I was thinking more along the lines of the ding dongs and more obvious sugars and less about the bread etc... That's even more of a commitment than I thought. Yikes. Something to think about...

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