Lately I have found myself saying to several people something like, "Do you blog? You should check out my blog." Sometimes it's to people I hardly know. (For instance when my Visiting Teachers came over for the first time last night.)I feel kind of stupid doing this, but I have to explain. It's not a self-agrandizing (sp?) effort, I just really like to blog. I give it to people that I like and want to get to know better, because it's such a great way to get to know things about each other that we may otherwise never learn. (For instance, how else would you have known that I haven't shaved in 6 months? Critical information people.) I love that I can read Michelle's blog (who is my sister of close to 25 years in case you didn't know) and find things out for the first time! We're counseled to keep journals, so I'm just trying to be among the faithful. That's what we have here-journals. I don't know about the rest of you, but I don't edit much for content. I ask myself, "Is this really something I want put out there for all to know?" Time and time again the answer is a resounding- "I don't know. But here goes!" I think that is why most of our blogs are so interesting, even with people you have known your whole lives. It is an insight- information that you are privy to as if you actually reading old paper diaries of someone you may or may not have known. And the great thing is it works both ways- you also learn of the people that make comments, which incidentally, is another great reason to comment! I love people (most people) and I am loving getting to know each of you more intimately. (Except for 1. the random people who comment after they've stumbled across my site. I appreciate the comments, but there's no intimacy with you yet and 2. Those of you who despite badgering refuse to comment. You know who you are.)I just had to say it. I just had to 'Blog Off.'
And I swear, I'm not getting paid for this. I really like it this much.
I should be getting paid for this. A Blogger Ambassador.
You crack me up, Jessie. For what it's worth, I love reading your blog, even if I'm a little shy about commenting. I love Michelle, Jill, and Hannah's blog, too. Thanks for introducing me to the world of blogging. It gives me something to look forward to everyday!
What was the response from your visiting teachers? Did they even know what you were talking about? I don't wish to share my blogging life with little known ward members, because it feels too "out there" for me. I have no problem with friends or friends of friends (hi rmt, whoever you are), but there's still something uncomfortable to me about having it all out there for acquaintances. But carry on with your Ambassador duties, and by all means blog on your trip.
I find that I too see someone and think, hey, they should read my blog, or I wonder what they would blog about. It's been nice to get to know you better through your blog for sure.
Blogs are a genius thing!
The one hard thing about blogs is that you leave a comment and don't come back to that page because you already commented, but someone responds to you there and it seems like you are not listening because you didn't know someone was talking to you! That probably made no sense. The point is, you asked about my photography class, and since it isn't common to return to someone else's comment page, I thought I'd come here to answer your questions!
I took the class through UVSC's Community Education classes. You can find the information at www.uvsc.edu/conted/lifelong/commed/
The class was $60 for four weeks. It is usually a little more expensive and 7 weeks long (I wish that had been the case for me!) but they made a scheduling and pricing mistake that they were unwilling to fix. The class will be offered again in the spring/summer but taught by a different teacher or again in the fall by the same teacher. The teacher was a geek but since I was the only one to bring my camera and ask questions, I felt like I got a lot of one on one attention. I have an old Minolta, others had a simple point and shoot and others had fancy digital cameras. For the intro class, it doesn't really matter.
Even if what I learned was the same thing I could have learned from my manual, the advantage of taking the class was that it forced me to really do something and try new things with my camera. I also could go back each week and ask my teacher about problems I had experieced while doing the assignments.
I would totally recommend the class. The fast pace of a four week class didn't leave me feeling like I am a better photographer yet, but I do feel much more confident about experimenting with my camera! If you feel like you have basics down, they also have on location classes, lighting classes (which is what I'd like to take next), and portrait or wedding photography. It was a great experience, I hope you can do it! I want to see your pictures if you do!
I am a twenty something LDS women who happened to stumble across your blog. I don't know you, but from what I've read you sound like a pretty incredible person. I left your blog feeling inspired to be more open, creative, thoughtful, and hopeful.
Anyway, thanks for letting me share a little of what seems to be a very rich and full life.
Jessie, we've met a couple of times (at Michelle's house, baby shower, etc.). I've enjoyed reading your blog very much. You've given me lots of food for thought and action. For example I just spent the last two days cooking and filling my freezer, as per a blog you posted a long while ago. I'm completely obsessed with blogging, reading other people's blogs, thinking about my next blog, you name it. It is such a great way to get to know people. They ought to have links to people's blogs on the ward web sites ;). Then who would need Enrichment?
I'm with you, Jess. Totally addicted. I wish everyone I know had a blog. I feel like it is greatly expanding my circle of friends, and that has to be a good thing! Now I feel like I am getting to know your friends, friends and siblings of my other friends, etc. I like the feeling that the different facets of my life are intersecting in new and interesting ways. And the very best part? I can do it all from the comfort of home!! Hey! Maybe I'm not anti-social after all! I just really really like to stay home...
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