I have been stricken by the plague of headaches. I don't understand- I never get headaches. Or I guess, I never used to. I had 2 migraines that I know of 10 years ago when I was about 14. They were the kind that prohibited your speaking- it freaked me out because I was saying all kids of nonsense and had to sleep it off. Back then they were brought on my strenuous eye-work. ( I was helping my dad do some billing and had to write small addresses hundreds of times) So that was the last I'd heard from that hellmaster the Migraine. Until recently. On the day we left Denver to come back home a couple of weeks ago I got a horrible migraine. It started out where I saw halos around everything, so I couldn't really see anything. There were bright white spots everywhere. Then my head started throbbing. Then my fingers and my lips went numb, and then I got nauseous. Augh! It was so horrible. I laid in silence and darkness for a couple of hours while grandma tickled my legs and timm fed me some toast. (it was suggested I may be faking just for the tickling... I miss you grandma.) After 2 or 3 hours it was largely abated, though a dull and bearable throb still lived in the perimeter. (I also took a concoction from grandma of 2 Excedrin and a dramamine) Since then I have a had a headache just about everyday. Nothing remotely like the debilitating Migraine I suffered, but irritating just the same. So I am consulting my resident headache experts, Denise and Jill. What's the dillyo? Why the sudden onset of these headaches? People say it's 'hormonal'. What's that mean? Why am I having a hormonal surge? How can I make them stop? Help me stop the insanity!!!
I have a great book about headaches you can borrow if you'd like. It's what made me stop drinking Diet Coke (a feat no one thought I'd ever accomplish) cold turkey. Now I don't drink soda of any kind. I'm the water queen. Water definitely helps. There are lots of food triggers for headaches so check your diet to see what you've changed (the sugar withdrawl is most likely a contributor), it can be the craziest things like bananas, sour cream, cheddar cheese, etc. Keep track of your headaches and rate them on a scale of 1-10. You might want to do this in your food journal so you can see any changes in diet and headaches. No one knows the agony of the headaches like I do, so I have so much empathy for you. Things like weather, light, sound, smell, and stress can send me reeling. I sat next to a woman at church on Sunday who was bathed in an awful, musky perfume and I had to mouth breathe the whole hour for fear of a migraine.
Headaches are awful. I get migraines only occasionally and regular headaches from time to time, not so much that I need to keep a headache log, but perhaps you should. Besides, it would give you an excuse to make a cute tiny book for yourself...
I never got headaches...maybe once a year, but I had a whole month of headaches recently. Seriously, everyday for a month...I have no idea what caused it. Stress? But I'm always stressed so who knows. Let me know what you find out.
That totally sucks Jessie! I agree with Jill and the diet soda thing. I used to get them all the time and then going off of soda this year I can say I have had like 3 headaches. That and I try to drink lots of water, which I think is good for you no matter what. When I used to have a diet pepsi everyday and went off it, I got them and I think it was from the lack of caffenine. But if you have had them for a month or so, I would either read that book Jill has or talk to your doctor. So sorry!
Jessie, I was so surprised to see this on your blog because I have been afflicted with the same problem this week! Is there like a headache virus going around or something? I have had one everyday for about 5 days now, and I see stars when I stand up (literally--I see little twinkles of light) and I can't ride on elevators or I feel like the floor is moving beneath my feet (I mean after I get off, duh!) How weird is that? I think that yours could be partly your sugar fast and traveling, but I don't know. Good thing you got lots of other suggestions 'caz I'm not much help! I'm going to try them, too.
I don't understand- nothing has changed! I had headaches before the no-sugar diet, i even thought maybe sugar was a contributor. I don't understand, because NOTHING has changed!
When I started getting headaches for that month, nothing had changed either. It's a mystery.
Sometimes (and you know how I ponder some strange things sometimes) I wonder if my thought process has lead me into some weird area of my brain that my thoughts have never been before...or I'm using a part of my brain I've never used...(I know,I'm bizarre) and that's why I get a headache. Uncharted territory...my brain's not use to having thoughts there or something and it causes it stress.
I don't know where I get these thoughts from. It's like when I was 4 and couldn't figure out who was Heavenly Father's father because my brain couldn't comprehend not having a beginning or rather having one I guess and I figured out that HF must have been born from cabbage like the cabbage patch kids.
you are a one-of-a-kind Erin, to be sure :)
I hate to use the Hormonal word, but that's my vote. Although another possibility is allergies (I know, it sounds dumb). My headaches have gotten much less frequent and severe since I started allergy injection therapy several years ago. (You know, a blood test determines what you're allergic to i.e., trees, molds, grasses, etc., and then a personalized serum is concocted just for you of all those things you are most allergic to). The idea is to build up your resistance to those things so they don't bother you any more. It sure has worked for me.
I've also tried the various migraine medications on the market with unpredictable success. Frova worked miraculously (sp?) for me one time, but not another. The problem is that they're all quite expensive, even with insurance. Ask you doctor for some samples. Oh--I'm not sure if you can take them while nursing....).
I'm sorry for you--I feel your pain!
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