Monday, March 27, 2006

Happy Birthdays Mom and Denise!!!

Yesterday I was remiss in not blogging-again!!! I guess I've been bust lately. I'm still busy for the next couple of days, but let's not get carried away. I have certain commitments, and blogging is one of them :)So let's get down to business- Yesterday was my aunt Denise's birthday, and today is my mom's! These are by far 2 of the most wonderful women anyone could know and I count myself lucky to be so closely related to them! (Nevermind Bella's expression in these pictures- they're cute anyway!)

My mom has taught me many valuable things, among them: Turn first to prayer. Whenever I am dealing with something, large or small, and I ask my mom for advice or just find myself venting, she asks, "have you prayed about it?" I hate it when I meekly have to say, 'no.....' She always reminds me what to do! She is also a shining example of generosity, hard work, and not to mention- Talent and Creativity!. Few people exemplify these traits as well as she. She has always been an example for righteousness in all that she does, and I am grateful to be an adult and be able to appreciate that example now. My mother is a wonderful woman and I am so grateful that I count her among my best friends. Happy Birthday Mom! Wish we could be there...

Denise-my mom's youngest sister, hence my aunt. She is also one of my favorite people. I have always looked to Denise as an example for good and beauty in all things. She is an exemplary wife, mother, housekeeper, Latter Day Saint.. She is the kind of woman you wish you could hate because she seems to have it all together, but you can't because she's so easy to love! She is also one of my best friends, and I love her dearly. Happy Belated Birthday Denise!
I love that my family inspires me so. I love that they are my best friends, the company I'd most like to keep, my inspirations, my strength. Today I am grateful for these women in my life and hope I can glean some iota of greatness from their association. I love you two!


everything pink! said...

i always remember when i first met your mom and aunt. such beautiful women.
you and michelle are so lucky because your kids friends will be saying the same thing about the both of you someday.

michelle said...

I too admire Mom and Denise so much. I can still remember when I was little and Denise would make me fabulous tea parties. Now that I'm older, I realize our age difference is really very small! I hope you both had a great birthday and I love you very much.

Jill said...

Happy Birthday to both Susan and Denise. They are extraordinary women, and I'm glad I have gotten to spend some time with them too. You are very fortunate to have them as your best friends, mentors, examples, and trusted loved ones.

Robin said...

Happy Birthday to your mom and Denise! Though I have only met your mom briefly, she seems to be such a wonderful lady. And Denise? Psh, I know she's a wonderful person. She's always been an example to me as well (:

BTW, I hope you are enjoying the DDR! I'm wanting to go buy peeps now after last night...yum.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you Jessie, especially that Denise (my mom) is one of the most amazing people I know. Aunt Susan is also a great example to me and I feel so blessed to be related to both of these wonderful women!

Anonymous said...

I hate that I have to be so unoriginal with my first commenting experience on this whole blog thing... but I wanted to chime in and say Happy Birthday and I too am blessed to be related to Susan and Denise and their fabulous examples of creativity, hard work, and beauty. I'd like to say it's in the genes, although if that is true, I'm not sure what happened to me!!! Maybe it is one of those recessive types... I love my family. I am so lucky that I somehow got to be a part of it.

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday Susan and Denise! Cute pictures!

Anonymous said...

We are humbled and amazed by your comments and thoughts (and I agree with you about my baby sister Denise!) We have spent the day working at the new store and finishing up with painting two floors with a diagonal check pattern--this morning we are sore and old feeling but your blog has lightened our load! Love to all.

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