Thursday, April 02, 2009

Results Are In

The good news: I am not pregnant.
The bad news: I am stupid. Really, really, stupid.

It had not even occurred to me that I might be pregnant-that's how stupid I am-but when Michelle mentioned it and my mom seconded it, I was a bit panic-stricken. Michelle said it reminded her of my well-publicized 'quarter debacle' of 2004. When I was pregnant with Lola I had a conversation with Timm in which I could not be convinced that 5 quarters did not make a dollar. I do really dumb things when I'm pregnant. Like, uncharacteristically dumb. So it did seem like a valid concern that I might be pregnant when I couldn't locate Molly's house, or even realize that it wasn't her house until the 7th obvious difference was noted. When I started to scrutinize, I could actually name a couple of physical symptoms that could coincide with pregnancy. I started to contemplate every possible scenario and script and practice my reactions to both possibilities. Whew.
Although now I face the fact that I am just really, really stupid.
Further evidence includes a letter I got back in the mail today. It was a picture Bella colored for Sebastian the day after they left for Texas. I promptly sent it, but apparently felt that a street address was not necessary. Just name, city, state, zip. Seriously, what? Early-onset dementia? Oh well, a 4th pregnancy would probably just worsen the condition.


michelle said...

Hee! I don't know what's causing your "senior moments," as Timm called them, but I'm relieved that it's not pregnancy.

Rin said...

Dumb days...we all have them. I forgot about the quarter incident!!!! hahaha. It's like the time my old roommate Breanne decided to not use her store credit because she didnt' want to spend more money. I couldn't convince her that she had already spent the money, hence the credit.

Rin said...

Also, once I sent a letter to you without any information basically...remember that? I sent it with your name and street, but not house address and no zip...and it still got to you :)

Anonymous said...

It is still cracking me up that this could have been a sign of you being pregnant :)

So glad you are not and just senile at the moment.

Susan said...

Thank heavens, at least for now!

Anonymous said...

Having kids makes you lose your mind. Sorry to have to be the one to tell you!

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