Sunday, April 12, 2009


Yesterday, for about an hour, I was convinced that I wanted to raise my own chickens.
It stemmed from a simple Google search on how to make your own Easter egg dye. In an attempt to save myself a couple of dollars on Easter egg dye I quickly made the leap to save money by making my own eggs. Almost immediately I found myself searching sites devoted to the practice of chicken-raising. I searched for coops, both d.i.y. kits and the more costly pre-assembled variety. (Mine would reside quite nicely under our deck. By all considerations it was an ideal location.) I researched municipal codes and what was required to get a permit allowing me to house fowl on my property. I downloaded the application for said permit. I looked for what costs I would accrue if I undertook this venture. I briefly read some forums devoted to the subject, perused varieties of chickens available, including their best propaganda- pictures of day-old chicks. At least one statement in the forums gave me pause- the one cautioning someone against putting 2 roosters in with 8 hens, stating that they would 'ride your poor hens till they couldn't stand.' Surprisingly, at this point I was still considering the endeavor. I simply made a mental note not to include more than one rooster, if any, with my hens. Luckily for everybody, this notion seemed to dissipate almost as quickly as it arose. I think it had something to do with the daily fecal removal, the fact that the city application required them to consult 5 of my immediate neighbors, and a nagging feeling that this might, perhaps, be a fleeting interest.
So I went back and read about how to make my own Easter egg dye.

We don't eat that many eggs.


shannon said...

I had this same wild hair with getting ducks...(fortunately for me,my notion did not dissapate as quickly as yours on this end) and I got my way...(what an adventure this has been!)

P.S.--I also did research on what the zoning was for having a goat...(that got totally shot down...probably a good thing, now that I think about it)

At least you were thinking about ways to save money--I've done nothing but add expenses!! I guess it was the whole novelty of having ducks, I guess..

We don't even eat the eggs...and in fact, I've become extremely grossed out with the whole idea of eggs lately. (I give them to my Asian friend who loves them)

michelle said...

This totally cracks me up. I just don't see the appeal. At all. So I'm glad that you realized the fleeting nature of this desire before you plunged headlong into the venture...

Rin said...

Only you...LOL! Love it.

Anonymous said...

I looked into chickens last fall, my grandma has them and I love getting eggs from her. But yeah, a little too messy for me- and I think chickens are kinda creepy when I think about it. I can so see you researching this :)

I still want bees though...

Susan said...

Good think'in blink'in.....yuk! I hate chickens flocking around my feet!

Aunt Linda could really give you the low down on chickens, you know! They have plenty. And, so could Mary Kaye!

I think it's best just to foget this idea....

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