Friday, May 01, 2009


I dug out 182 daffodil bulbs with a trowel and my bare hands. I have about twice that many to still transplant.
Molly said my butt looked much smaller.
My neighbor Emily said I was a dream wife.
I weighed in at Weight Watchers and lost .6 pound, for a total of 22.6 pounds.
I stayed up until 3:45 am sewing a birthday present for Sebastian.
I ran one mile in the pouring rain: 13:30.

More to come, I'm sure.


Susan said...

Totally impressive, dream wife!!

I'm hoping to have something to write home about next week.....

Anonymous said...

Yea for -22.6 and for running in the rain!

Amy E said...

Sounds like you're having a great day! It's good to see that you're happy and things are going well.

Charlotte said...

Sounds like a ShamWow day!

rmt said...

Congrats on you weight loss and running success! You're amazing:)

Molly Krauss Smith said...

You ran in the rain!? Now that's turbo.

Fred said...

Very impressed....gardening, running in the rain!! and -22.6 loss. All of these can therapeutic for the mind.

Denise said...

Sheesh! You are a dream wife for sure. Impressive indeed!

michelle said...

Hang on -- why did you dig up the daffodil bulbs??

And why did you stay up so late working on a 4-year-old's birthday gift?!

It seems to me that Molly gave you one of the ultimate compliments...

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