Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Something cool happened tonight.
Bella came to Timm because she couldn't find me. Feigning ignorance as to my whereabouts, Timm systematically told her to check each part of our little abode. She came back after each one, exclaimng 'nope!' Then she looked outside and verified that both cars were in the driveway, so I didn't leave in one of them. Here's the good part- then she deduced, 'I guess she went for a run.'
She was right.
I was running. But better than that is the knowledge that she knows that. I have made enough of an impression, even if she doesn't personally see me running, that running is something I do.


Anonymous said...

So simple. So perfect. You are doing good things!

michelle said...

Very cool!

Bridget said...

So impressive! Matt enjoys exercising-me-not so much. Neat that Bella knows that you are an avid runner!

Fred/Dad said...

Good story!
You are definitively making an impression. As Hannah said, you are doing good things.

Diana said...


Susan said...

And better yet, no tears!!

Alright, it's a good thing.

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